Kits de Plástico » Figuras Militares

Zvezda 3614 German Tank Crew (1943-1945)
Zvezda 3632 German R-12 Heavy Motorcycle with rider and officer
Zvezda 3639 Soviet Motorcycle M-72 with sidecar and Crew
Zvezda 6103 Soviet infantry 1941-1945
Zvezda 6106 German Machinegun MG-34 With Grew 1939-42
Zvezda 6110 German Sturmpioniere (1939-1942) Art of Tactic Series
Zvezda 6111 German 81mm Mortar with Crew (1939-1942)
Zvezda 6117 German anti-aircraft gun 2 cm Flak 38 with Crew
Zvezda 6133 German HQ WWII